Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Passion, Obsession, Devotion by Ilana Rapp

Pas-slon - Function: noun, Date: 13th century, a : ardent affection: LOVE b : a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity , object, or concept c : sexual desire d : an object of desire or deep interest.

In 1983, they invaded our planet. Our lives would change forever. The gradual, tense shift from life as we knew It to life as we know It now. Was It true? Was It actually possible to fall in love with a television mini-series? If you're reading this, then your answer Is the same as mine.

The love of the storyllne, the characters, the special effects-no matter which part(s) of "V• you fell in love with, the love was strong. And the love was real. It's still real. "'V" is ... our passion.

Ob-ses-sion - Function: noun, Date: 1680, 1 : a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling; broadly: compelling motivation.
In 1984, the desire began. One mini-series wasn't enough to give us closure. We needed more. But until that happened, our passion for "V" grew until It overwhelmed us. We talked-about "V” to anyone who would listen. We found people in school and at work who felt the same way. People who were going through the same thing we were. We, In fact, grouped together the same way the Resistance came about. We all had one thing driving us-we wanted more "V.• "'V" became ... our obsession.

de•vo•tion - Function: noun, Date: 13th century, a : the act of devoting b : the fact or state of being ardently dedicated and loyal (as to an idea or person).
In 1985, the Quad "'V" Fan Club was hatched. My mother saw my passion and obsession for "V" and advised me on how to successfully run the club. Through ads In Starlog magazine and letters through the "V" comic book, the Quad "V" membership grew like wildflowers. I took on Patrick Gillease, a Quad "V" member, as my -partner. He developed Insightful ideas, and with the way the fan club was growing, I couldn't handle it by myself.

As the web of .'V" fans grew, so did "V" actors' popularity. Soon there were fan clubs for the actors! - It was great having so much support and dedication. The prominent actors' clubs were: Brian Tosko's "The Jane Badler Society" (See it online at, Katie Collards "Friends of Michael Ironside,• Other "V" fan clubs starting popping up as well, such
as Kathy Pillsbury's role-playing "V" club. Fanfictlon magazines started
-being produced, and the stories were greatl And around this time, "V" was becoming popular around the globe! International "V" fans were joining Quad "V", and the U.K. based fan club run by Dena and David Vaughan, "Resist or Perish," came into light.
Other "V" fan dubs popped up here and there, but the three that remained strong and consistent were The Jane Badler Society, Resist or Perish and Quad "V". Between the three of us, our "V" informational resources were at an all-time high. All of our members bonded together with "V" information the FBI probably couldn't attain! What the actors and crew were presently working on, behlnd-the-scenes inside-"V" information-whatever you can imagine, we knew. And we shared it with our "V" family. So much in fact, the actors and some of the crew came to know us personally by name!
Today with the Internet the way it is, it's more cost effective and quicker to share our "V" experiences online than through regular snail mall. The fan clubs' newsletters died out - but the information and love for "V" didn' tl "V" websites started going up, such as mine at and lase's from California. All of the "V" sites are packed with Information and run by dedicated "V" fans. You can find Unks to them on my "V" Celebrity Website.

September 2000, I was lucky enough to meet up with Dena Vaughan and Brian Tosko at the "V" Con 2000. The three of us in one hotel was deafening!
Plus, we were surrounded by our other "V" friends! Oh, and the actors and crew, tool (smirk) •.
With many years having passed since 1983, It's safe to say that "V" is our devotion.
I would personally like to thank aft of the "V" actors & families, crew and fans who brought "V" to life for me. And the biggest thank-you of all goes to creator Kenneth Johnson! - Ilana

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